Dancing Classrooms


Quality for All Students

Dancing Classrooms programs address several pressing needs simultaneously: the in-school residency provides high quality arts education where it is otherwise lacking, and the extra-curricular programs offer consistent positive engagement with the support of a network of Teaching Artists and peers. Dancing Classrooms provides an equal emotional, cognitive and behavioral education to children of all backgrounds, whether their home lives are chaotic, or organized and protective. By cultivating a positive support network with ballroom dance at the core, Dancing Classrooms’ ultimate goal is to create motivated, engaged students with essential skills for a successful life.

The Dulaine Method

Engage participants and make them the catalysts
for positive change and direction in their lives

Respect & Compassion

Participants are referred to as “Ladies and Gentlemen” and emphasis is placed both on mutual and self-respect.

Being Present

Teaching Artists are actively and dynamically engaged in each interaction with students, staying in the “here and now.”

Creating a Safe Space

The classes are havens in which each student’s feelings are respected – everyone is equal.

Command & Control

Teaching Artists are taught to understand how to use the group to help the individual.

Verbal & Body Language

Teaching Artists’ physical effect is one of openness, warmth, and genuine affection, while the verbal repertoire consists of positive reinforcement.

Humor & Joy

Teaching Artists are appropriately playful so that students can sense that the lessons are meant to be enjoyable.

Contact Us

Find Us

5806 Grove Ave, Box#330, Richmond, VA, 23226
P: 804.385.8204 Info@dancingclassroomsgrva.org
© 2017 Dancing Classrooms. All Rights Reserved.