Victoria Oakley
Victoria Oakley retired as the Chief Academic Officer for Richmond Public Schools in Richmond, Virginia in July 2015. She oversaw the instructional programs for grades Pre-K – 12. She also served as the Director of Instruction and as an elementary school principal at Robert E. Lee Elementary and Ginter Park Elementary. Under her leadership, Ginter Park became a National Title I school. Also during her tenure, Ginter Park made full accreditation and met federal requirements. The school also received numerous grants including a Reading First Grant.
Victoria Oakley currently works as an educational consultant. She specializes in school improvement, leadership and curriculum development and creating and implementing school-wide literacy plans.
She attended the University of Richmond for her undergraduate studies and received her M. Ed. in reading and an endorsement in administration and supervision from Virginia Commonwealth University. She has served as President of the Virginia State Reading Association. This 5,000 strong organization promotes literacy throughout the state of Virginia.
Her professional affiliations include the National Association of Elementary School Principals, Phi Delta Kappa, International Reading Association, and Richmond Area Reading Council, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, and Council for Learning Disabilities.
Victoria was instrumenting in promoting and implementing the Dancing Classrooms in Richmond Public Schools. She understands the importance of integrating the arts into instructional programs.